viernes, 14 de enero de 2011

The new ramp color works on Mac as well

On January 10, Kevin Wells announced a new color ramps for gvSIG. This version contains both the default ramps and Kevin's one, plus one I tried to built following old literature.
"Dear gvSIG Users,

I have created new color ramps for use in gvSIG.  They replace the default color ramps.

To use the new color ramps:
1. Navigate to the gvSIG configuration folder.
   For Windows:   C:\Documents and Settings\"username"\gvSIG
   For Linux:  /home/"username"/gvSIG
  # For Mac: /Users/"username"/gvSIG

2. Replace the default "palettes.xml" file with the attached "palettes.xml" file.

3. Delete the existing "ColorSchemes" and "colortable" folders.

4. Start gvSIG.
The "ColorSchemes" and "colortable" folders will be created with the new color ramps in them.

The color ramps are designed to work with both raster and vector data, although some are better for raster data and some are better for vector data.
The number of classes in each ramp is in parenthesis as part of the ramp's name.
In Windows the color ramps are ordered alphabetically and are pleasing to look at as a group when choosing a ramp.  This is not true in Linux.
I cannot figure out how Linux orders the ramps.  They seem random and are not as pleasing to look at as a group.
However, they are completely functional in Linux.

To restore the default color ramps delete the "palettes.xml" file, the "ColorSchemes" folder, and the "colortable" folder.
Then restart gvSIG.  The original "palettes.xml" file and folders will be recreated.

I hope you enjoy.


2 comentarios:

Jesús Palomar Vázquez dijo...

Hola Agustín. Mi nombre es Jesús Palomar y quisiera pedirte permiso para hacer referencia a tu blog desde el mío. Como veo, compartimos interés por las mismas temáticas, por lo que si lo consideras, te agradecería que también hicieses referencia a mi blog desde el tuyo.
Mi blog es:

Revista Encrucijadas dijo...


Escribía porque quizá podéis ayudarme. Aunque no tiene relación con la temática del post. Me he descargado la última versión de GV Sig para MAC, y me resulta imposible hacer funcionar la herramienta FILTRO: el cuadro de diálogo se muestra defectuoso e incompleto.
He probado cambiado la Apariencia a MAC OSX, pero sigue viendose del mismo modo...

No se si tendréis alguna pista.

Un saludo! gracias.