jueves, 16 de agosto de 2018

How to download high resolution DTM from Valencia region or the whole Spain

How to download high resolution DTM from Valencia region or the whole Spain

This is brief tutorial to download high resolution Digital Terrain Models either from the Valentian Spatial Infrastructure Data (IDEV) or the Spanish Geographic Information National Center (CNIG).

Option A: download 2x2m DTM from IDEV.
In this option you need to choose the town you want to download. Less resolution DTMs, including 5x5 m can be downloaded for the whole region resulting in big files depending on the resolution (>5Gb for the 5x5 one).

Step by step.

  1. Go to http://idev.gva.es (figure 1)

Figure 1. http://idev.gva.es Portal

  1. Go to recerques i descarregues option under dades i serveis (figure 2). There is a English menu option but it seems to me that itsn’t translated still.

Figure 2. Recerques I descàrregues option.

  1. Go to mdt i derivats (Figure 3)

Figure 3. MDT i derivats

4. Select the 02m resolution and ers button (figure 4) 

Figure 4. MDT de 02 m resolució

5. Select the municipi of your choice by name and push decarregar (see selectmunicipibyname.png)

Figure 5 selectmunicipibyname.png

6. Add the downloaded files (there are two xxxxxx and xxxxxx.ers) by selecting the ers one to Qgis, Grass or whatever gis you want to use (see 6.qgis6.add_ers_file_raster2qgis.png)

Figure 6. Add raster to Qgis

Option B, Download 5x5 DTM from CNIG

Step by step
  1. Go to http://centrodedescargas.cnig.es/CentroDescargas/ (figure 7) 

Figure 7. Centro de descargas

2. Choose digital elevation models (figure 8)

 Figure 8. Digital Elevation Models

3. Choose DTM05 (figure 9) 

Figure 9. Digital Terrain Model DTM05 

4. Choose viewfinder (figure 10) 

Figure 10 Viewfinder

5. Zoom to the area you’re looking for.

6. Select by point (figure 11)

Figure 11 Search by point

7. Download the asc file (figure 12)

Figure 12 Download the asc file

8. Add asc raster to Qgis (Figure 13)

Figure 13. Add asc raster to Qgis, Grass or whatever gis you want to use

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